Natural beauty Ciwidey

Natural beauty Ciwidey and South London does have its own charm and attraction for the tourists who want to visit. Generally, a lot of tourist attractions located in the area of Natural south London and the most famous is the crater White Ciwidey. The beauty of the sprawling tea plantation in Ciwidey has its own value if in the eyes, you will definitely like it.

Thence Patenggang lake is also one of the tourist attractions in London were in South London. There was also Campground Ranca rattle, which is no less beautiful. Some of the natural attractions are located in the south of Bandung below are the pictures:

Kawah Putih Gunung Patuha - Ciwidey
White crater Patuha - Ciwidey

Bumi Perkemahan Ranca Upas - Ciwidey
Campgrounds Ranca Upas - Ciwidey

Kolam Renang Air Panas Cimanggu
Swimming Pool Heated Cimanggu

Perkebunan Teh Rancabali - Ciwidey
Tea Plantation Rancabali - Ciwidey

Perkebunan Teh Gambung - Ciwidey
Tea Plantation Gambung - Ciwidey

Situ Patenggang - Ciwidey
There Patenggang - Ciwidey

Kebun Strawbery Petik sendiri - Ciwidey
Pick Strawbery own garden - Ciwidey
Now that some of the natural attractions in south London, for you who want to travel to the city of Bandung, will be much easier when buying Bandung tour packages. For those who want to rest in London to see a list of cheap hotels in London that you can make the choice.

Natural beauty Ciwidey Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown